Upon Receipt of a complaint, DLS shall, as applicable:
1. Determine whether complaint was received from a certified client.
2. Determine whethere the complaint relates to the certification process, if so deal with it. If it relates to a certified client, consider the impact ofthe complaint on the effectiveness of the certified management system.
3. Examine the complaint for validity and categorize it as to the process/procedure affected.
4. Notify the complainant of the status of the complaint, both initially and throughout the course of the resolution.
5. Use the corrective action process noted in SOP017 paragraph 5.3 to address the complaint.
6. When a resulotion to the complaint has been established: notifiy the complainant of the proposed resolution along with a request for his agreed acceptance. If deemed to be "unacceptable", return to the corrective action process until an acceptable resolution is achieved.
7. Make the complaint and resolution to the complaint public.
Any complaints and their resolutions will be posted here.